Prediction of the seismic responses and fundamental period of vibration
Input Parameters
Max top story displacement : 0.1142 m
Max interstory drift : 0.0099
Max base shear : 10013.2148 kN
Fundamental time period : 0.4119 sec
Developed by
Range of application
2.5 ≤ length of bays in x (m) ≤ 4.5
2.5 ≤ length of bays in y (m) ≤ 4.5
2.6 ≤ height of floor (m) ≤ 3
2 ≤ bays in x ≤ 4
2 ≤ bays in y ≤ 4
2 ≤ floors ≤ 5
0.325 ≤ depth_of_beam (m) ≤ 0.45
0.3 ≤ width_of_column (m) ≤ 0.7
900 ≤ elastic modulus of masonry (MPa) ≤ 1900
20 ≤ wall opening (%) ≤ 60
Note: To ensure the parameters are in range of application an automatic validation is added for inputs.
© Ajaya Khatri 2024